Faith is a knowledge within the heart, beyond the reach of proof ~ Khalil Gibran

Friday 18th January 2013 / 05.00am
My mind wander at this wee hour ...what shall the updates be. Am still down with flu, fever and cough...complete package. This package will take a while to go for sure. On top on that I am suffering from Cold sores. Its an lips felt 10 times the size...sandy and very uncomfortable.

It is almost 5am now, earlier I read on an updates from my Habibi's blog. Heart drop on the floor and my blood just rush up to my face. Owh my.... Dream are often said the play ground of soul. Most of it at times are sign and trying to tell us something.

I remember asking my Habibi of the many dreams that I had...often I will end up travel back to my childhood era. Standing at the edge of road leading to my grandmother's house. Flowers blooming from Hisbiscus to roses....coconut trees, mangos and jackfruits. My uncle's workshop. I can smell the air and hear my grandmother's voice from the house. He said, it is time for me to wear headscarf or tudung. Hmmm....seriously ? Then he add on...past travelling dream usualy are reminders of something but he is not sure what [Please forgive me Habibi if my intrepertation is not right].

Life struck us at a point of no return..sometimes it does. To this Habibi of mine....patience...above all May Allah visible those that is prayers are always with you...

Friday 18th January 2013 / 2300hrs

Half of Friday morning gone. I had an appointment for second interview at 3pm then. Made my way there. I had decline this position but they insisted for me to just at least come for 2nd interview. I sincerely do not wish to pursuit further. Since they are very persistence, fine I still come to show face and remain in good book. It went well....still I will decline it.

Later than evening I got call from Habibi...just asked his opinion about that company...he said is not worth it. The organization is OK but not people who managing it. History shared and opinion exchanged...I made a good decision not to pursuit then. Thank you Allah for answering my prayers again. I was so half harted in a way....thank you for sending the answer to me. Patience is always rewarding. YOUR answer came in various way....

19th January 2013 / 2300hrs

Thankfully and could not be more blessed that I got this weekend off. Still down with fever and flu. Didn't get any better. Today morning after breakfast, we start to a little un-packed and Shan clean up the courtyard. I re-arranged the master bedroom. After cleaning up the bathroom its already after 1pm. Shower and continue with Zohor prayers. Then suddenly I felt so cold, by body just shiver...I thought because of my fever...went to bed try to sleep but cannot.

About almost an hour later I call up to Shan, he was so alarmed to see me shivering. He rubbed my feet try to keep warm. He said it was so blood flow at all....took extra blanket and cover me up. My body was so so pain. I think it was the second round medicine. Nose bleed again....another round to clinic...lucky it was nothing serious.

We went for late lunch the afternoon with sunny day..I am shivering cold. Took a bit of spice, curry and stuff...then I was warm again. I thought of admitting myself if the shivering continue.

Evening just rest  before we went to Cheras. On the way back I was craving for Rojak. Circle the city center a bit and found a decent place. is not that fantastic. Just count my blessing that I got what I wish for.

Now Shan is down with fever and flu....contagious ! Tomorrow is another rest day and day shift two days... :

30th January 2013

January 2013 is ending soon. Another day in paradise. Life is good and wonderful. Walked through whatever that comes...pray and be thankful. Alhamdulillah....I am very grateful...the more you bow, pray and constantly find ways to learn...there shall be guidance for you. I believe there are more to come.

Most important have faith. I have no idea where this path going to take me but for now I know that am focusing on learning and make better whatever in hand. We don't usually see whats coming. We can plan and design the path that we want for sure. However, will it be ours or not...that depends. In the event it is not...believe that your creator has something better for you....have faith...

Still has not settle fully as yet. I m taking my own sweet time to decorate and un-pack. Things still every where. Manage to store up what is important.

Just recovered as well. Flu, cough and fever. Cough still in me...last week end up in clinic at wee hours for nebulizer...for whatever the reason ..suddenly chest so tight. On top of that urine infection. I had sleepless night...woke up every hour. Drank up gallons of water and now Alhamdullilah things are back to normal. I m very much careful in my food in take.

Long holiday over the weekend. Both my sister went back to my parent. Mine will be soon. Will rest at home after my surgery.

Nothing much for me to write many round up since...All I have to say is

Thank you dear God for everything...


The following story was shared to me via Facebook. Make sure bring a box of tissue...believe, have faith and never give up....

Link :

(Mujahidah yang telah ke alam sana)

Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang
Assalamualaikum wbt.

Alhamdulillah, segala puji-pujian dirafakkan kehadrat Allah swt. Blog yang telah lama saya tidak update akhirnya diminta isi dengan suatu hikmah yang besar dari seorang mujahidah yang telah pergi ke alam sana. Hasil penulisan ini sesungguhnya ditulis oleh ibunya yang tercinta, ibu kepada al marhumah Siti Hajar Binti Ahmad Sabir (alfatihah). Semoga kita memperoleh manfaat yang besar dari perkongsian ini. Selamat membaca.


6 Jan 2013 (Ahad)
Kami dapat panggilan telefon mengatakan Hajar kemalangan. Segera bergegas ke Hospital Besar Melaka. Ramai pelajar UTEM sedia menunggu berita kemalangan itu.

7 Jan 2013 (Isnin)
Hajar dimasukkan ke wad ICU Mawar. Pegawai HEPA UTEM mula membuat lawatan.Doktor mencadangkan pembedahan segera dilakukan. Masalah kewangan mula berbangkit, wang kami tidak mencukupi’

8 Jan 2013 (Selasa)
Gerakan mengumpul derma utk pembedahan Hajar berjalan lancar. Pembedahan dilakukan pada pukul 1 tengahari. Pukul 6 ptg, pembedahan selesai.

9 Jan 2013 (Rabu)
Kesihatan Hajar baik sebelah pagi tapi merosot sedikit menjelang petang. Tekanan darah mula turun, lalu ubat untuk menaikkan tekanan darah segera diberikan. Muka dan badan mula sembab sebab dah 2 hari hanya drip air tanpa makanan. Sebelah petang, susu disalurkan ke perutnya melalui tiub. Walaupun tulang belakang telah di betulkan kedudukannya, saraf tunjang tetap telah tercedera dan kita menunggu dan berharap kekuasaan Allah Ke atas Hajar berkat doa semua sahabat di dalam dan di luar negara.

10 Jan 2013(Khamis)
Selepas Subuh tadi, kami lawat dia dan bacakan ayat2 suci dan syifa’. Dia tenang je.Kami berbual. Memang dia tak gelak tapi matanya lebih bermaya. Kami ceritakan tentang kawan2 yang datang, yang berkirim salam dan sebagainya. Memang dia tak dapat lawan bergurau, ketawa besar macam biasa tapi dia dengar kami tu pun dah cukup. Langsung tak tunjuk airmata pada dia. Kami usap tangannya, usap pipi dan dahi berkali2 dan bercakap dengan nada yang ceria juga. Tak boleh nak pandang dia dengan mata sayu, cakap dengan suara sebak..tak boleh. Kalau kita positif, kita ceria, aura kita berpindah kepadanya.

Ramai yang bersimpati dengannya lalu mencadangkan pelbagai bentuk rawatan pemulihan. Ada yang mencadangkan pergi kepada sekian-sekian dukun patah jika Hajar telah keluar dari Hospital nanti. Ada juga peniaga air yang menawarkan sebotol air pada harga RM25, dan menjanjikan penyembuhan dalam 10 minit sahaja. Hajar senyum . Pesannya, dia tidak mahu apa-apa rawatan yang menggunakan perantaraan jin dan hanya mahukan perubatan Islam. Dia rela lumpuh seumur hidup atau sanggup mati, asalkan tidak mensyirikkan Allah.

11 Jan 2013 (Jumaat)
Doktor dah benarkan makan bubur. Kami sudukan dengan sup ayam, sup sayur, ikan dan buah2an. Minum air zam zam pakai straw. Memang haus betul dia. Berkat air terbaik di atas mukabumi, dia segera nampak bertenaga. Menitis airmata sahabat2 melihat dia telah makan. Berebut2 mereka nak tolong layan Hajar. Suasana ceria berlanjutan dengan cerita2 lucu mereka.
Solat Hajat dilakukan di merata tempat dari sebelah malam hingga ke siangnya.UTeM sendiri menganjurkan solat hajat di Masjid, melibatkan kerjasama BADAR dan Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar .

Lawatan Naib Canselor, memberikan suntikan semangat luarbiasa kepada Hajar. Dia ingin sembuh. Dia ingin kembali belajar. Dan dia dijanjikan pelbagai kemudahan pembelajaran jika dia sihat dan masih berminat menuntut ilmu.
Sedikit jangkitan kuman mula dikesan di paru-paru menyebabkan pernafasannya tidak stabil.

12 Jan 2013 (Sabtu)
Doa dan kata-kata peransang tak henti2 masuk ke telefon untuk memberi semangat kepada Hajar. Kami perlu kuatkan pernafasannya. Latihan pernafasan mula diberikan supaya oksigen banyak masuk ke badan dan dia dapat melawan kuman2 yang datang menyerang. Hasilnya, kedua dua tangan dah boleh diangkat tinggi. Selepas ini, kami nak teruskan dengan latihan menggenggam. Semua ini menyakitkan, kerana itu motivasi dari sahabat2 amat diperlukan. Peranan saya sebagai ibu adalah untuk mengukuhkan keimanannya dan meletakkan pergantungan harapan sepenuhnya pada Allah.
Sebelah petangnya, Hajar di keluarkan dari ICU Mawar dan diletakkan di wad D3.

13 Jan 2013(Ahad)
Akhirnya berbekalkan sedikit kekuatan yang diberi oleh Allah, saya terangkan situasi sebenar, kesan kemalangan itu kepada Hajar. The whole truth. Dan sebagai hambanya yang patuh, dia Redha dengan apa saja Qada dan QadarNYA. Pendapat doktor itu berdasarkan pengetahuan manusia. Yang mana ia hanya ibarat setitik air di lautan yang luas. Terlalu kecil kemampuan manusia berbanding dengan kekuasaan Allah itu sendiri. Baginya hidup mesti diteruskan, ada banyak lagi nikmat tuhan yang sedang dinikmatinya. NIKMAT TUHAN YANG MANAKAH YANG KAMU DUSTAKAN?
Setiap hari Allah menuntut perjanjian kita dengannya sebelum kita dilahirkan. Iaitu untuk mengakui DIA itulah tuhan kita yang layak disembah. Dia yang maha berkuasa, yang memiliki segala2nya. Sedang kita inilah si fakir yang tak punya apa2…dan sentiasa meminta2 darinya. Kalau dah lidah kita mengakui Allah itu maha berkuasa, maka ikrarkan pula dihati..yang DIA mampu mengubah nasib Hajar lantas menyembuhkannya sekalipun.

Tiada rahsia lagi. Dia dah tahu dirinya lumpuh sementara. Dah tahu situasi tulang belakangnya, saraf tunjangnya yang cedera dan juga pembedahan yang telah dilaluinya. Tanpa setitik airmata, tanpa keluhan, tanpa menyesali nasib, tanpa mematahkan semangatnya untuk terus hidup, katanya kalau mak dan ayah boleh redha, dia juga akan redha. Banyak lagi tanggungjawab untuk digalas, ramai lagi diluar sana yang perlukan bimbingan dan kerana Allah masih selamatkannya, dia akan bersyukur. Pasti ada hikmahnya.

Malam itu, sedang saya membacakan ayat-ayat suci kepadanya, dia kata
“Mak dengar tak tu? Suara seruan tu?”
Saya terdengar seruan bersahut-sahutan dua atau tiga kali dari arah yang tak pasti.
“Orang azan kot” tingkah saya.
Dia jawab “mana pulak, azan mana ada SUBHANALLAH.. orang tu sebut SUBHANALLAH berkali2. Akak dengar, Cuba tengok jam, bukan masa azan, kan?.”akuinya penuh jujur.
Saya rasa berdebar, “Selalu ke akak dengar?”
“Selalu gak, entah siapa lah yang jerit tu gaknya…” jawabnya naif’

14Jan 2013 (Isnin)
Sebelah siang Hajar demam. Batuk2 Kecil, Menjelang maghrib, cuaca sejuk, batuk makin memberat. Demam semakin tinggi mencecah 39C. Selsema, kahak tersumbat di saluran kerongkong dan belakang hidung. Hajar semakin lemah. Apabila pernafasan tersekat,Hajar menggelepar mencari nafas. Doktor segera bertindak bila kami menjerit meminta bantuan kecemasan diberikan dengan menyedut kahak menggunakan mesin penyedut. Tiup dimasukkan ke saluran kerongkong dan saluran hidung. Prosedur yang menyakitkan dan tidak selesa. Tapi masih tak banyak membantu, selsema mengalir lagi, dan kesejukan malam menyebabkan hidung tersumbat semula. Kami disuruh keluar semasa bantuan kecemasan itu. Keadaan agak membimbangkan. Kami berdua berusaha menolong dengan membacakan ayat2 suci dan zikir2. Menjelang tengah malam barulah dia bernafas selesa dan tidak mencungap cungap lagi. Keletihan yg teramat sangat..tetapi bersyukur terselamat dr situasi bahaya. Stabil.

Bila dah tenang, Hajar bercerita semula, semasa doktor membantunya dan kami memohon bantuan Allah, pertolongan tersebut telah datang. Bagaimana? Secara tiba2 dia sendawa berkali kali. Dan setiap kali angin sendawa itu keluar, terasa hidung yg tersumbat tidak tersumbat lagi dan dia boleh bernafas dgn selesa. Kemudian, dia terasa mukanya dipercikkan air 3 kali. Air yang sgt sejuk dan selesa. Dia yang sedang demam panas dan terasa muka berbahang, tetiba rasa sangat selesa dan demam mula menurun. SUBHANALLAH.

Hari dah jauh malam, suami saya nak pulang menjaga anak2 yang lain di rumah. Suami beritahu Hajar, dengan cepat dia jawab “Ayah percaya Allah tak?”jawab suami”Percaya”.
Tambah Hajar lagi, “Kalau percaya pada Allah, ayah baliklah..Allah ada jaga akak kat sini.”
Sesekali dia tersenyum manis.
Kami tanyakan "kenapa senyum?”
Dia jawab…"Ada bau wangi sangat”.
"Selalu ke akak terbau macam tu?”
Jawabnya, “Kadang2 aje, kadang2 masa nurse datang, kadang2 waktu sahabat ziarah”
Hati kami mula rasa sesuatu. Suami saya tak jadi balik. Kami berdua tertidur kepenatan menemani dia malam tu. Dipihak dia pula, terasa sangat aman dan damai. Malam yg sejuk dirasakan nyaman. Langsung tak rasa lapar dan dahaga. Menurutnya, sepanjang malam, dia memerhatikan kami berdua tidur dan mensyukuri apa saja nikmat yang sedang dinikmatinya.

15 Jan 2013 (Selasa)
Sebelah pagi Hajar masih tak bermaya. Semakin naik matahari, hidung semakin kurang tersumbat dan kesihatan mula beransur baik. Perjuangan untuk hidup diteruskan lagi. Bila demam berkurangan, Hajar akan kembali ceria, makannya akan berselera, makan pudding, bubur, sup ayam dan buah2an.. Rakan2 pun gembira melayan kerenah dia. Bila dia sebut teringin makan pisang…tetiba ada saja tetamu yang bawakan. Dia duduk tapi kepalanya agak senget - masih tak boleh kawal gerakan kepala. Spontan dia kata, “Kalau ade bantal kecil, boleh letak kat leher” lalu Allah perkenankan hajatnya. Bantal yang diidamkan dibawa oleh sahabat yang prihatin pada hari yang sama hajatnya diutarakan. (KUN FAYAKUN)

Tekak Hajar masih terasa sakit – perit. Mungkin sebab guna tiub penyedut kahak sebelumnya. Jadi ubat demamnya perlu dihancurkan dan dijadikan larutan. Saya bancuhkan paracetamol dengan sedikit air zam zam. “Akak, ingat ye, ubat ni alat je, Allah yang menyembuhkan” Dia angguk. Ubat di sudukan ke mulutnya. Pahit. Kecil matanya. Segera saya berikan air zam zam untuk diminum. Lepas itu dia tanya, “Air ape tadi?”. “Ehh..air zam zam lah, mana ade bagi air lain.” Dia senyum lagi. Saya tertanya2. Dia kata “Allah tolong akak, ubat tu memang pahit, tapi bila minum air zam zam tu, rasa macam air tu manis, ia basuh semua rasa pahit dilidah akak, Esok mak cubalah” Macam mana ni….nak percaya tak?

Malamnya, dia kena makan ubat lagi. Tanpa gentar, dia menelan ubat pahit tu dan tinggalkan sedikit untuk saya. Nekad untuk menyampaikan dakwah, saya telan baki ubat itu. Memang pahit. Dan bila air zam zam diminum, rasa pahit itu hilang tak berbekas. Seperti lumpur di lantai yang tertanggal semuanya bila air disiram kepadanya.
Kemudian dia mula bertanya bagaimana dia nak solat dalam keadaannya seperti itu. Saya terkedu. Telefon terus saya capai, meminta bantuan ilmu dari rakan2 yang lebih arif. Dan seperti dijangka, apa yang dimintanya, mudah benar utk Allah tunaikan. Ade saja sahabat yang prihatin dan sudi menolong.

Bila Doktor pelatih datang untuk mengambil sampel darah, Hajar menangis. “Akak dah lemah, makan pun tak seberapa, mana nak ada darah banyak. Doktor asyik ambil darah..tangan doktor tu besar,kematu, tak sensitive. Tangan akak kecil, Sakit tau ditampar2 tangan akak, dicubit2…dah tak jumpa urat darah tu, tak yah lah ambil darah. Akak tak nak doktor tu lagi”. Sayu hati mendengar rintihannya, tapi macamana? Mana boleh pilih2 doktor. Tapi Allah maha mendengar, esoknya doktor lain pula mengambilalih.

16 Jan 2013(Rabu)
Usai solat subuh, saya dapati Hajar mengadu sakit perut. Macam kembung. Perut mula membengkak dan bergerak2. Saya sapukan sedikit minyak angin dan bacakan rukyah. Dia terasa nak muntah. Ya memang.. dia betul betul muntah. Berlambak2 muntah air hijau keluar dari mulutnya. Kami beri air zam zam kerana muntah tersebut memahitkan tekak. Tapi muntah berterusan…lagi…. lagi… dan lagi…”Akak tak nak pelawat hari ni”. Dan tengahari itu, memang takada pelawat yang datang.

Menjelang maghrib, dia suruh ayahnya solat. Kemudian saya pula disuruh solat. Saya katakan, “nanti siapa nak tolong bersihkan muntah? Mak solat lewat sikitlah…Dia jawab “Allah ada, Allah boleh bantu akak.” Terkedu. Saya pun tinggalkn dia untuk solat. Ayahnya pula pergi menjemput adiknya di Malacca Central. Selesai solat, saya dapati nurse sedang membersihkan Hajar. Bajunya yg terkena muntah digantikan. Kemudian dia kata, “Haa..kan betul akak cakap, Allah ada bantu akak. Mak pergi je, akak muntah, tapi nurse yg sedang rawat makcik kat sebelah tu ternampak akak muntah dan dia datang bantu.

Sepanjang malam, adik Hajar, Nabilah, saya dan suami saya hanya menadahkan kain menahan muntah hajar. Muntah…minum lagi…dan kemudian muntah semula. Bila reda sedikit, kami mula berbicara. “Akak, Nampak gayanya macam perut akak dah tak terima lagi air yang kami beri. Mungkin rezeki minuman akak dah habis. Mak bagi air untuk basah tekak je, tapi untuk menghilangkan dahaga, akak mohonlah rezeki dari Allah.

Ayahnya pula kata “Akak, kalau akak dipanjangkan usia, ayah akan belikan computer yg lebih ringan untuk akak, sesuai dgn kemampuan akak menggunakannya. Tapi kalau usia akak tak panjang, akak jangan sedih sebab akak akan dapat syahid dunia. Pujuk ayah lagi, “Akak, bila dajjal keluar nanti, orang2 yang beriman takkan dapat bekalan makanan sebab tak mahu sembah dajjal. Mereka akan berzikir sahaja, dan Allah cukupkan rezeki mereka. Mereka tak rasa lapar dan dahaga, Akak zikirlah ye”. Angguk.

Walaupun perbualan itu amat menyentuh hati, tapi masih tak mampu menggugurkan air matanya. Dia kata” Kalau mak dan ayah dah redha, takde sebab untuk akak tak redha. Kalau Allah izinkan akak hidup lagi, walau mcmana pun rupa akak waktu tu, akak akan berdakwah untuk beritahu orang tentang adanya pertolongan Allah, besarnya kekuasaan Allah. Mak tulis ye, biar tak lupa . Nanti akak sendiri yang akan ceritakan. Tapi kalau umur akak tak panjang, emak ceritakanlah bagi pihak akak”

Untuk adik2nya, dipesankan agar ubah penampilan berpakaian. Untuk rakan2, dia minta maaf dan memberikan kemaafannya kepada mereka. Adik2 dipujuk agar pakai jubah2 dan tudung dia yang banyak. Dia turut beritahu minta digantikan puasanya dan uruskan solat yg tertinggal sepanjang dia berada dihospital tu. Ada beberapa hutang kecilnya minta dilunaskan.

Kami tanya lagi. “ susah ke rasanya nak muntah tu tadi?” Jawabnya, “Taklah, senang je, Allah tolong.” “Tolong macamana?” tambahnya “Dah badan akak tak boleh keluarkan air2 kotor tu dgn cara biasa, Allah tolong keluarkan melalui muntah. Tak susah pun, rasa macam meludah je” MASYA ALLAH. Hajar sentiasa kaitkan apa saja yang dialaminya dengan Allah. Sentiasa berbaik sangka Allah menolongnya. Benarlah seperti hadis qudsi, Allah bertindak mengikut sangkaan hamba terhadapNYA. Jika kita yakin Allah menolong kita, maka Allah akan tolong.
Keputusan Xray menunjukkan perut dan usus besar membengkak teruk.

17 Jan 2013(Khamis)
Situasi kritikal. Tak mahu pelawat lagi. Doktor sedang cuba menyelamatkan . Perut membengkak terus. Usus besar tidak menyalurkan najis dengan sempurna. Menurut doktor semuanya ada kaitan dengan saraf tunjang yang gagal menghantar arahan ke anggota badan. Ultrasound pula diambil. Hajar tenang. Berserah pada Allah menentukan yang terbaik untuknya.

Selepas waktu melawat tengahari, demam memburuk semula. Perut yang membengkak menyukarkan pernafasan. Doktor mula gelisah. Satu tiub dimasukkan ke perut melalui hidung bagi menyedut cairan di dalam perut. Lebih 1Liter cairan dikeluarkan. Hajar diarahkan berpuasa sehingga punca pembengkakan itu diketahui.

Demam lagi. Saya sudukan juga tiga sudu air zam zam ke mulutnya dari masa ke semasa.
“Akak, jgn bimbang, kita orang Islam dah dilatih berpuasa. Redha ya .. mak bagi air zam zam ni hanya utk basah tekak, memang tak sempat sampai ke perut pun ia akan kering sendiri. Mintalah Allah hilangkan dahaga akak” .
Dalam keletihan beliau jawab, “beratnya dugaan Allah ni , mak..” “memanglah…kan syurga Allah tu mahal harganya…sabar ya.. Nabi Ayub dulu pun diuji dengan berat” Dia angguk.. Doktor pasang drip…Dalam hati, saya tak putus2 membacakan ayat2 suci dan selawat untuk menolong beliau melalui kesukaran itu.

Menjelang asar, Hajar mula rasa bahang. Dia minta dimandikan. Panasnya kuat dibahagian dada. Dan terasa semua badan sakit2. Saya terdiam. Saya rasa, dia dah mula nak nazak. Waktu tu saya berdiri membelakangkan tingkap. Dia suruh saya beralih kedudukan. Dia nak pandang keluar tingkap. Saya tanya, nak tengok apa? Katanya : nak tengok Allah. Saya terkedu lagi. Katanya :
"Allah marah sebab tak dakwah sungguh2. Tak mahu cari jalan lain, bila dakwah terhalang.”
Saya jawab “Mintalah ampun dan banyakkan beristigfar pada Allah,”
Hajar Angguk. Tak lama lepas tu, dia kata, matanya dah mula kabur. Saya membisikkan agar dia terus mengingati Allah. Angguk. Dalam termengah2 dia berkata
"mak, izinkan akak pergi dulu, tapi akak tak nampak jalan”
"Ya, mak izinkan, mak doakan agar Rasulullah datang tunjukkan jalannya. Sekali lagi dia mengejutkan saya, bila dia kata dia dah tak boleh nampak, lalu bola matanya bergerak ke atas. Segera saya talkinkan berulang kali. Doktor dan nurse mula berkejar datang nak menyelamatkan. Saya disuruh keluar. Mereka mula memasang topeng oksigen,dan menaikkan tekanan darah.

Hati saya dah sebu. Saya tahu tadi tu Hajar dah nazak. Persiapan dibuat utk pindahkan Hajar ke ICU semula. Waktu maghrib tu, kami berkejar kejaran tolak katil Hajar ke ICU okid.

Hajar segera dibius dan getah saluran pernafasan dipasang ke mulutnya. Mesin pernafasan mengambilalih proses pernafasan. Itulah kali terakhir untuk dia berkata kata kerana selepas itu dia terus ditidurkan dan tak bangun2 lagi.

18 Jan 2013 (Jumaat)
Kami dimaklumkan ada air yang banyak diluar perut dan sekitar usus. Dikhuatiri usus Hajar telah bocor. Menjelang waktu azan zohor, untuk solat jumaat, jantung Hajar berhenti berdenyut. Doktor segera melakukan CPR. (Satu. Dua, Tiga, Empat, ……)saya nampak prosedur tu dr luar cermin biliknya. Hati saya terguris teruk…cpr dilakukan di dada, betul2 di atas kawasan pembedahan tulang belakangnya. Kalau dia selamat sekalipun, apa nasib tulang belakang tu, kan baru je lepas dibedah.
Walaupun jantung dapat digerakkan kembali, namun jantung Hajar hanya bekerja 1% sementara mesin pernafasan yg bekerja lagi 99%. Hakikatnya carta pernafasan di paparan skrin tu terasa semacam gimik.

19 Jan 2013 (sabtu)
Doktor pakar usus mengesahkan usus Hajar bocor dan perlukan tembukan kecil diperut untuk mengesahkan teori beliau. Sekiranya benar, pembedahan yang lebih besar diperlukan utk memotong usus yang bocor itu dan mencantumkan semula. Serentak dengan itu, kami diberi borang kebenaran pembedahan untuk ditandatangani. Semuanya atas nama nak menyelamatkan nyawa Hajar. Kami buntu. Suami meminta tempuh untuk bertenang dan berfikir. Kami perlu solat. Kami perlu berfikir dengan tenang. Kami mohon pertolongan melalui pertolongan Allah. Pukul 2 pagi, kami dipanggil semula. Terdesak, kami benarkan tembukan dilakukan diperut. Hanya pada Allah kami bermohon pertolongan dan petunjuk.

Belumpun sempat selesai pembedahan kecil itu, seorang lagi doktor memanggil kami. Berita besar yang disampaikan, buah pinggang Hajar tidak berfungsi sepenuhnya atau lebih tepat lagi..dah rosak dan perlukan dialysis darah. Hajar takkan boleh bertahan kalau darahnya tak dicuci kerana toksin dalam tubuh akan meningkat dan meracuni organ2 yang lain. Terdiam. Bermimpikah kami? Lepas satu, satu, organ badannya merosak. Namun begitu, dialysis tidak boleh dilakukan dengan selamat kerana keadaaan Hajar yang tidak stabil. Jantungnya dah pernah berhenti, dan boleh berhenti lagi semasa dialysis. Darahnya dah terlalu cair..dah lama tak makan. Pendarahan juga boleh berlaku kerana tekanan darah yang rendah. Jadi apa yang boleh kami perbuat? Sesudah berbincang, kami ambil keputusan tidak membenarkan cuci darah dijalankan kerana risikonya besar.

Tak lama lepas tu, pakar usus pula mengesahkan yang usus Hajar memang benar2 bocor dan pembedahan besar diperlukan. Kami tanya, adakah Hajar stabil untuk dibedah? Jawapannya TIDAK.Kami Tanya adakah masalah usus itu boleh selesai selepas pembedahan tersebut? Jawapannya. TIDAK PASTI MASALAH SAMA TAKKAN BERULANG LAGI. Lalu kami berikan jawapan yang paling selesa bagi kami iaitu tidak membenarkan sebarang pembedahan dilakukan lagi. Kami juga tidak membenarkan prosedur cpr dilakukan jika jantung terhenti lagi.

Doktor bercakap dengan berhati2. “Kalau itu keputusan Puan, Puan sedarkah apa akibatnya nanti?” Saya jawab, “ya, saya sedar, saya akan kehilangan anak saya, dan saya redha. Malah, kalau boleh , saya nak segala ubat dan mesin pernafasan dihentikan” Doktor menjawab, “Itu tak boleh, menyalahi etika, itu seperti membunuh pesakit. Kami tak boleh membunuh pesakit, tapi kalau Puan tak mahu lakukan semua yg kami dah cadangkan, mesin pernafasan tetap perlu terus dihidupkan. Cuma pesakit takkan mampu bertahan lama kerana toksin yang tinggi akan meracun dirinya sendiri.

Selepas itu, doktor terus mengawasi Hajar, dan pelawat telah dibenarkan menziarah tanpa had masa kerana Hajar hanya menunggu masa untuk pergi meninggalkan kita semua. Semua keluarga telah dimaklumkan, Hajar tak putus2 diziarahi oleh sahabat2 yang mengenali dan bersimpati. Masing2 ingin menatap wajahnya untuk kali terakhir

20 Jan2013 (Ahad)
Pagi itu kami berdua khusyuk dlm doa masing masing, hanyut dalam munajat kami kepada Allah memohon bantuan dan keringanan untuk sakaratul maut anak kami.Tepat jam 9.20 pagi, Hajar melepasi sakaratulmaut dan meninggal dunia dengan tenang dalam dakapan ibu dan restu ayah. Pergilah sayang, TUHANMU yang lebih menyayangimu telah menunggu. Terima kasih YA ALLAH kerana telah meminjamkan kami anak yang sebaik ini. 20 tahun kami berbahagia dengan kehadirannya.Terima kasih kerana menganugerahkan akhlak yang mulia terhadap anak kami ini. Kini kami kembalikan ia kepadaMU YA ALLAH.Dakapilah ia dengan limpahan rahmat kasih sayangMU yang maha Agung. Amin.. amin..amin..ya rabbal alamin.

Siti Hajar selamat dikebumikan di kampung keluarganya dengan lancar.Begitu ramai sahabat, pensyarah, pegawai university dan saudara mara hadir memberikan lawatan terakhir, memandikan, menyembahyangkan dan mengkebumikan beliau. Seluruh alam seakan turut bersedih dan merintih kerana kehilangan seorang mujahidah sejati. Cuaca mendung berterusan dari pagi hingga ke petang,( tetapi tidak pula hujan), turut menyentap tangkai hati insan2 yang jujur menyayanginya


Engkau bermula dengan sengsara
Dalam mencari bahagia
Terasa bagai bayang bayang
Gelap walau di suluh cahaya
Pepasir pantai pun berubah
Pabila HAKIKAT melanda
Ketenangan yang kau cari
Terpancar di lorong sufi
Kelunakan tangisan kasihmu
Dalam simpuhan ketaatan
Bagi mengharapkan keredhaan
Darimu TUHAN pencipta Alam
Sungguh agung pengabdianmu
Kau berjaya menjadi iktibar
Ayuh bersama kita susuri
Perjalanan kekasih Allah

A good soul cleanser...once a while..its worth to read...

This post was at the early stage of my blogging moment. Still bring tears to my eyes...

I pick this up from one of the email sent to me, read it before years back as I can recall it...and its worth sharing. Even for a moment something good that we do makes a different in anyone's life ; that alone is a blessing.

At a fundraising dinner for a school that serves children with learning disabilities, the father of one of the students delivered a speech that would never be forgotten by all who attended. After extolling the school and its

dedicated staff, he offered a question:

'When not interfered with by outside influences, everything nature does, is done with perfection.

Yet my son, Shay, cannot learn things as other children do. He cannot understand things as other children do.

Where is the natural order of things in my son?'

The audience was stilled by the query.

The father continued. 'I believe that when a child like Shay, who was mentally and physically disabled comes into the world, an opportunity to realize true human nature presents itself, and it comes in the way other people treat that child.'

Then he told the following story:

Shay and I had walked past a park where some boys Shay knew were playing baseball. Shay asked, 'Do you think they'll let me play?' I knew that most of the boys would not want someone like Shay on their team, but as a father I also understood that if my son were allowed to play, it would give him a much-needed sense of belonging and some confidence to be accepted by others in spite of his handicaps.

I approached one of the boys on the field and asked (not expecting much) if Shay could play. The boy looked around for guidance and said, 'We're losing by six runs and the game is in the eighth inning. I guess he can be on our team and we'll try to put him in to bat in the ninth inning.'

Shay struggled over to the team's bench and, with a broad smile, put on a team shirt. I watched with a small tear in my eye and warmth in my heart. The boys saw my joy at my son being accepted.

In the bottom of the eighth inning, Shay's team scored a few runs but was still behind by three.

In the top of the ninth inning, Shay put on a glove and played in the right field. Even though no hits came his way, he was obviously ecstatic just to be in the game and on the field, grinning from ear to ear as I waved to him from the stands.

In the bottom of the ninth inning, Shay's team scored again..

Now, with two outs and the bases loaded, the potential winning run was on base and Shay was scheduled to be next at bat.

At this juncture, do they let Shay bat and give away their chance to win the game?

Surprisingly, Shay was given the bat. Everyone knew that a hit was all but impossible because Shay didn't even know how to hold the bat properly, much less connect with the ball.

However, as Shay stepped up to the

plate, the pitcher, recognizing that the other team was putting winning aside for this moment in Shay's life, moved in a few steps to lob the ball in softly so Shay could at least make contact.

The first pitch came and Shay swung clumsily and missed.

The pitcher again took a few steps forward to toss the ball softly towards Shay.

As the pitch came in, Shay swung at the ball and hit a slow ground ball right back to the pitcher.

The game would now be over.

The pitcher picked up the soft grounder and could have easily thrown the ball to the first baseman.

Shay would have been out and that would have been the end of the game.

Instead, the pitcher threw the ball right over the first baseman's head, out of reach of all team mates.

Everyone from the stands and both teams started yelling, 'Shay, run to first!

Run to first!'

Never in his life had Shay ever run that far, but he made it to first base.

He scampered down the baseline, wide-eyed and startled.

Everyone yelled, 'Run to second, run to second!'

Catching his breath, Shay awkwardly ran towards second, gleaming and struggling to make it to the base.

B y the time Shay rounded towards second base, the right fielder had the ball . the smallest guy on their team who now had his first chance to be the hero for his team.

He could have thrown the ball to the second-baseman for the tag, but he understood the pitcher's intentions so he, too, intentionally threw the ball high and far over the third-baseman's head.

Shay ran toward third base deliriously as the runners ahead of him circled the bases toward home.

All were screaming, 'Shay, Shay, Shay, all the Way Shay'

Shay reached third base because the opposing shortstop ran to help him by turning him in the direction of third base, and shouted, 'Run to third!

Shay, run to third!'

As Shay rounded third, the boys from both teams, and the spectators, were on their feet screaming, 'Shay, run home! Run home!'

Shay ran to home, stepped on the plate, and was cheered as the hero who hit the grand slam and won the game for his team

'That day', said the father softly with tears now rolling down his face, 'the boys from both teams helped bring a piece of true love and humanity into this world'.

Shay didn't make it to another summer. He died that winter, having never forgotten being the hero and making me so happy, and coming home and seeing his Mother tearfully embrace her little hero of the day!

To fear is one thing. To let fear grab you by the tail and swing you around is another. ~Katherine Paterson,


Ten days flew and before I know I am back to work. Solid ten days full with house shifting. Never did I felt so tired in. Moving house this time round has exhausted us to the max. The movers came in at 0900am and everything completed by 1500hrs. That night both of us just flat out.

To date, we only fix up essential stuff while all others especially those packed inside boxes are still piled up. I struggle much to fix the curtain...master bedroom window are rather unique pattern up with L shape glass panel. It is very transparent view of trees outside. Day time is very calm and peace...but for night time..I am not that keen to venture into the darkness though. After much of climbing up and down the ladder, finally I manage to secure the room curtain.

Our owner suppose to fix up the grill but sudden illness came up and it was redundant. I can't sleep well at night. Even the security is superb here but you just cannot be sure. Thankfully all are OK and I will be getting my safety grill soon.

Plus this new house of mine, surrounding are so so so quiet. You really can hear leaves waved up by the sound of the winds. First time in history of staying in the city I woke up to the sound of chirping birds in the morning. My unit faced to the YTL Park. Two trees in front of my windows and many more in lines right outside the through to Maple on the other side. Its very green.

Did the prayers for new house eventually. So far so good. The 'disturbance' are very minimal now. I am able to sleep by myself already. Still I have to continue with prayers and rituals. This place has been emptied for a long time. Out of 60 unit on this low rise, there are only 15 unit occupied. My owner call up today to informed that his friend his looking to buy another unit next to mine. Its a good news then, the more the merrier. My neighbour moved in a day after we shift in. Then there are several other unit under renovation now. From what I heard by the Management office, Sentul Raya finally decided to sold off this low rise condo.

Last weekend, the Joint Management Body or the residence association held EGM. It was all fired up, for what ever the reason is. Late afternoon we saw three policeman came in upon being called by the management as situation was a bit out of control. Pretty heat up I must say.

Today marked 10 days I am in this new place. The uncomfortable feeling and earie still there. As brave as I am, I need time to get use to this situation. Somehow I will find my way through, it is just a matter of time.

When I shifted to the last condo two years ago, it was all new place. Out of that two gigantic blocks, only about 30 units were occupied. I was the first to moved in on my floor that time. The rest are empty. Imagine that....walking by empty units for months. Before I know it, both blocks are fully occupied already.

How did I walk through it...just taking it one step at a time. Courage and believe in the power of God. It was not easy either but nor that it was impossible.

At this stage I am very vulnerable as fear of the unseen still very much intact. But sooner or later I will find my way through this. This is my house, my place and my sanctuary. Pray and pray...keep the house occupied with ritual of doas and prayers. 'Fence' up the house and keep the 'fence' strong. Hope in time when there are more occupants, situation will be more happening.

Its just funny how us human are easily fear of these spiritual soul or ghost...we are not scared of our creator which is God. We sin easily..too easy.. I remember quotes from one of the Ustaz, if Hell is visible to our naked eyes, 16 story mosque is not enough to occupied for prayers. The world is peace cause nobody wants to go to Hell...

I am now down with fever, flu and cough. Complete package. The weather and also too tired I guess.

My project to decorate this house is a long term project. Will do it in stages. Not like I got funding from the sky or grow on tree. It does not have to be expensive either. You will be amaze if only you knew how did I manage to wall up my bedroom window with beautiful curtains. Enough to secure the view appropriately. Just have to be creative at times.

This year I decided to venture into new environment. Got couple of interview attended, which I decline most of it. Offer is good but just not worth it. No different from what I am doing here. Rather stick around. Let see how it goes then.

Since I was fully occupied for the house shifting, surgery postponed. The Gyne said, it is not alarming but no harm to proceed. It still very small anyway the growth. End of February is the new schedule. After Chinese New Year.

List of things to do just keep piling up with of course many are erased as well. Achievement has always been my cup of tea...the best is yet to come. Top of the list still....I wanna go home...Miss my lovely parent so much....

As for now, I will walk my way through this. Seen or unseen, whatever it is....I raised from very hard downfall. Nobody was by my side then...I have plenty now that stand tall with me...if any reason of fear it should be just a grief and let go.

Above all, far into the corner of my heart...I am so glad I made a bold move to eliminate those unwanted and trouble maker in my list. We knew our existence just our path do not cross anymore.

Have faith in your creator, believe and pray hard. Your doa means everything. Patience and acceptance of HIS grace, endurance and thankful always. Bow and say thank you....HE shall not burden you with something that you cannot endure. Never stop at a level, always climb further...find knowledge and equip yourself. Always find a way to be a better person.

"Stop telling God how big your problems are. Start telling your problem, how big God is!"
p/s : I have photos to share but tonight this stewwpidd PC are not allowing me to upload..haix!

What winning is to me is not giving up, is no matter what's thrown at me, I can take it. And I can keep going ~ Patrick Swayze

Short off day...yesterday and today. Worked on new year's eve ; just enjoy the fire work from office windows. Shortest celebration ever...20 minutes and it is done for. From late night till the next day I did not received much calls anymore. Could not sleep either. For some reason this new office ; can't get a shut eye properly. Unlike the old office.

The first half of night was a bit busy. Busy not because of genuine request, but because of the common attitude of human to do everything at the last minute. Our larger than life national carrier had offer on point redemption at 50%. As usual the ending day only these homo-sapiens rushed to make redemption. The entire network jammed call to them ? Good luck ! are on que like 150...then what else..they start to call every other number stated behind the card. Who will get the most abuse of all..WE ARE!

Our scope of services is such and we are not even part of that organization. Its like you walked into a clinic and demanded a plate of fried rice..when we say no fried rice here..they said what kind of clinic is this ?? owh my..owh my ....only in me...

The next day I went home, sleep and continue packing. Today morning, my irresponsible ex-housemate stuff out for good. I told the lorry man...if upon calling the receiver of this stuff..if he does not know anything about it..just chuck it!...why I said that because of his irresponsible attitude. Thank God I had disposed half of the junk...he won't remember it anyway.

I am blessed to have found an excellent movers. This company is really good and reasonable. They do not fall into the cheap category but very reasonable. They run all over the or night. I was assisted by three young man today. They arrived in 5 ton lorry capacity. Hard working too. 

Seeing how they work and also did a bit of light chat about their services....can't help to be bless for whatever I am having now. Then during loading up into the lorry I saw mattress, pillows and basic necessity. Asked upon, they said, at times they have to make a move during night time just to arrive in the morning at the location or the other way around.  They took turn to rest and drive. 

Today they actually schedule to go to Kota Bahru, to take stuff from there and then load off in Johor Bahru. Again, I felt deeply moved on how hard to earn a living can be...I wonder if they do have expectation in life as what is next and so on...or do they just carry on in this hard labor job as long as they can. 

We often grumble about our own always to paused and look around a is not as bad as we think it is.

These three 'samson' are not that muscle up but they have the strength ..they do. Lifting up wardrobe, fridge, washing machines...imagine that. Minus you have to handle with care...on glass items and stuff.

For that all my delicate stuff packed in the box, I labelled it accordingly,. If its glass...I put big big sign GLASS. everything is packed and sealed. To have shifted several times, I kind of know the art of it. Above all do not put your movers in tired and messy condition. Not matter how, packed not hold any hand carry especially those small items. Those that you can transport on your own ..please DIY. 

Just several days ago, I witness a 'messy' moved in at my condo here. Small hand carry items are all over the place, like vases, lamp shades, pails, mops, flower arrangement...pot of plants, water heater, hot flask... 

Well, you don't box in the pail and pots of plant but you can put that in a large pail and DIY instead of asking movers to pick it up. My own pot of plants are going with me separately. 

Have some compassion a bit can or not? Its like not enough they 'samson' up all the big stuff. Just because it is their job does not mean you have to squeeze the juice out of it. 

I watch that 'messy' move in at a dismay. If only they packed up all those small items, it will save them lots of time. 

My own things is also not too bad...I would say will occupy 80% of that 5 ton lorry. Apart from big items, I got about 20 boxes. It is easy to pile up cause the movers will carry it on a large trolley. Just a pushed away. These movers will upload and off load stuff directly into respective location in your house. Kitchen to kitchen, living room and rooms. 

Throw and donated most of my clothes and kitchen items. When you move to a new place, always disposed unwanted items. Clean up and start new. Not necessary to buy all new things but enough to keep what is important. Slowly set up your new place...fresh. 

Talking about this new place of mine. The place is nice, cooling and breezy. Been there about more than 5 years, well established and fully green surrounding. It is an old design condominium. Upon entering if after obtaining the key officially...I did sense presence of 'residence'. It is just those passers that occupy empty places. With prayers and proper clean up, it will just go away.

All seems ok. Then I took my sister there...there is another 'residence' apparently ...human form with long black hair. My sister said, she is there like trapped and can't move on for some reason. My heart felt on the floor. This one sister I have ..if she said all these I have to trust her as she has a gift of that. My sense as are not as deep as hers. 

Cried a bit...I spend quite a sum on this have to deal with this kind of is not what I look forward for.

To date, arrangement for prayers and house clean up are in line. Have to hold heart of steel now...courage to stand firm and fight for my occupancy. Believe in Allah swt. Be brave...braver than what I have been before. 
It still very disturbing for me till now. I won't asked why and why this happen but I a working towards solving it. I meant no harm to anyone or anything. 

My doa after prayers are very very deep these few days. Seeking help for ways and also to ease my path in all arrangement. My house is my sanctuary...I will do anything to keep it that way. My religion knowledge is not that great....I am still on learning curve. All I have in me is faith and believe in Allah swt. Sincere faith....if only father is well...he would be the best person to cast a prayers...but he is not. Aged has catch up with him in a great deal. I pray all well ends well. That place shall be my residence and my house is my sanctuary. 

Working night shift tomorrow for two nights. Then I am officially on leave. This afternoon about 1430hrs I made my way to have lunch. Upon arrival at the makan shop, saw a lady violently sobbing with few ladies ;friends I supposed. Open my 'kepoh' ears big big to know what happen. Learned that, her daughter was 'taken' for a ride from school by strangers after school today. Thank God !.. I mean..Thank God that the daughter arrive home safely. It was like a while ago only her neighbour called her to informed her daughter arrived at her door step crying. She is first day at school today...standard one.

I can't imagine the worst though. I am not a mother but enough to hold the same feeling...I stepped in then to just advise her to make a police report. Though her daughter safe and sound today ...but the same culprit will do it to other kids spine chilled...frost !,..stomach just then dried up...made way to buy pisang goreng instead. 

That pisang goreng is another story...none of it that I can consume..close to rotten banana. Didn't bother to go all the way for dispute of pisang goreng..just rest my tummy..its not worth it...what a day...

Spent rest of afternoon rest and completed my prayers. Tomorrow will be a better day....late evening ..received a special phone heartily. Ease my stormy heart in a I wish he is just closer to me by will sure safe me lots of trouble...nonetheless manage to obtained few tips for new house...still I wish he is closer....

لا إِلهَ إِلاَّ أَنْتَ سُبْحانَكَ إِنّى كُنْتُ مِنَ الظَّالِمينَ
"Bahawa tidak ada Tuhan selain Engkau, Maha Suci Engkau, sesungguhnya aku adalah termasuk orang-orang yang zalim

Self reminder