Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans ~ John Lennon

Home sweet home.....I am back in this hectic city. Four days spent with parent just flew away. I had overall a good time. Minus the weight..guilty conscious ! Can't help it. It is just so so good to be home.

We took off in the morning of Friday 1st March 2013. After quick breakfast - McD..the easiest. The journey thankfully smooth and it just got shorter. I guess from the back and forth trip made last sort become shorter in a way.

Upon arrival, my parent was not home. Took that gentle giant - my nephew to hospital for nebulizer. His breathing problem again. It started with cough and minor flu. He cling to my mom the whole time, thus she could not cook for us. I took over the kitchen late evening and prepare dinner for everyone. Then my 3rd sister arrive. She and hubby is going for short vacation to Tioman Island. Rush home a bit early that day since their son are not well. By then, that boy up and running already. I advise her just to proceed with the vacation since all are paid for already. Her son is ok plus I am around too.

They left the next day and I spend time chatting away with my parent. Mom cook Laksa Lemak for me. Help her to prepare a bit. Got my hand full with my nephew round the clock. All sort of thing..goodness he really got us going. That Saturday evening we went out to have dinner at local Indian shop.

It was a bit alarming situation as my dad's eyes sight is getting from bad to worse. He can't see well. Driving at night is definitely a no no.

Not easy to persuade him either to make a new spectacles. After much persuasion he gave in. I was so so worry. Took  him to the optometry the next day. They told him to get the exact reading from specialist. It will be easier. His appointment will be up soon as well. I will check on him too in case he decided to sit on it again.

If I am give a wish...the only thing that I want is for my parent to visit the Holy land. Especially my dad. Just once. It was a topic much shared among their friends lately. Especially those who came back from Visiting. All sort of stories both good and bad. Depending on self experience. Though it is not Haj, Umrah at times can be challenging too.

From those stories that my parent shared with me, all I can say is...much of them are blowing out of per-portion  They don't meant well what they say. Its merely showing off. Empty vases makes more noise.

My dad took it easy...he said let it be. We can't stop people from bragging  Let them say what they want. Whether it is a sweet truth or bitter truth of it....they will deal with Allah SWT anyway. Mom on the other hand took it with disappointing as why does some human have to lie and tell stories. I told her the same, just ignore and pray may their soul be forgiven.

I do admire those that can afford to go either for Umrah or Haj so many times in their life time. Maybe I need to take a look at my needs differently. Too much focus on meeting ends meet sometimes does blinded us. We will never have enough, somehow it will not add up.

How will I do that, well I have no idea as yet but I will work on it. Life after all is about improvement.

So to speak, on Sunday it was a fun outing with my dad, my brother and also that little devil. Mom left at home. Dad spend us delicious briyani. On the way back we stop to buy kuih for tea. My goodness....I m so spoil with choices and it is cheap. Each of those kuih that we bought....just bring me back to my childhood.

On top of all these, my little nephew slashed me with toy truck....ain't cheap man that stuff ! Before he rolled on the floor I just give in. Today before I leave home, saw that toy truck tires already all over the house. Kids ! What can I say....

Before heading home, I stop over to visit my uncle - mom's elder bother. He met with accident last year, dislocate spine. Elderly if they are injured often fatal. They will not get back into their old shape back. My uncle has to lie down after sitting or walking more than 30 minutes. My cousin was not home, its a working days after all. Like my parent they are also mending grand children. They got two opposed my parent with only one. But my uncle's two grandchild still not in comparison with the level of naughtiness of my nephew.

My parent's day went very productive right from they wake up till they sleep. Kinda miss him today.

Second sister just landed from vacation to Aussie. Short trip. Got to catch up with her as well. So much so I am on leave till this Friday, I am full swing with several activities and outing.

Appointment fix and once the surgery date confirm, I am in for it.

I have many things to share about but just could not churn it out for now. Too many things happen in these two weeks of time. Will share it in the next entry.

All I can say is, our parent aged as we grow older. No matter who they are or what they have become....still they are parent. Bite your tongue...pray for them daily...morning, afternoon, night..anytime..just cast a simple pray for their well being. It is that simple.

Rassulullah SAW pernah bersabda :
” Setiap pagi sedekahkan al-Fatihah kepada kedua ibu bapamu tak kira masih hidup atau telah tiada nescaya pintu rezekimu akan terbuka buat kamu. ”

Berdasarkan Hadith Nabi SAW :
” Tidak akan terputus rezeki seseorang ANAK selagi dia tidak meninggalkan doa kepada kedua orang tua nya dalam sehari.”

Huraian hadith:
  • Jangan sesekali meninggalkan doa kepada kedua ibu bapa (baik yang hidup mahupun yang sudah tiada )
  • Allah akan memurahkan rezeki kepada mereka yang tidak putus2 berdoa kepada kedua ibu bapa (hidup atau mati)
  • Ingatlah bahawa keredhaan ibu bapa adalah keredhaan Allah SWT
  • Semasa berdoa, berdoalah dengan bersungguh sungguh tadah tangan dan Bayangkan wajah kedua orang tua kita , termasuk guru-guru kita dan mereka yang banyak menolong kita.
  • Mereka yang lupa berdoa kepada kedua orang tua, akan disempitkan rezeki Oleh Allah SWT.

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