Great tranquility of heart is his who cares for neither praise not blame ~Thomas a Kempis

A week passed since the surgery day. I am now happily resting at my parent's sanctuary. All are well, the fact that I have to only take porridge as my meal...errr not that exciting but I have no choice.

My dad bought ikan haruan or snakehead (i guess its the head shape snake like)....Mom cook steam it with ginger and all. Nicely gobble up... :) coz it is very nice. My terms and condition cut the head away.

So to speak as it is only three days...see another week or so if I m still spirit up with the snakehead or not. Come to think of mom said it is the best skin beauty remedy. No need all those collagen injection ...supplement all..just eat this fish. You will be amazed. date am up for it...

I did not trouble my parent much as I can walk and move around comfortably. Dad took me to our family doctor. Upon discharge that day, Dr Selvam did dressing on the wound and change the plaster. Due to sweat, my skin itches. Scratched it and the plaster wide open. Then our family doctor here said, the wound is healing fine, no need plaster anymore. He gave saline and antiseptic cream to apply.

Later that night I found out that the clip wound torn a bit. Exposing my flesh. Oh My ! Mom start to nag as I moved about too much. Well its a huge house....not like three steps and I m in bathroom....she put the antiseptic cream again. Dad was worried too.

I called up the office, seek medical advise from our Doctor on duty. Happen to be its Dr A. Hurrmmm hell break loose a bit. He just advise me to go to nearest Specialist available the next day.

Went to Kuantan Specialist, took my dad along for his routine check up too. I was referred to a Gynecologist immediately. Nice and pleasant lady. She said nothing to worry about. Just keep the wound dry always. She gave a tube of antiseptic. She advise me to ensure I have the biopsy report. Give them a copy if possible. Since I came here for a follow up, it is good that they have for their record.

Cyst can be many things she said. Ok, now I am worried a bit. I guess Dr Selvam will call me if the biopsy report shows something alarming.

My dad on the other hand was OK too. Check up went through smoothly. His Dr did not say much this time since he absent for a month. While my dad still in the check up process I went to the cafe. The owner is my ex schoolmate. He was sure surprise to see me after long years. Heartily laugh his way through and said, what is wrong with you one family. From dad, mom, sister and now you...seems you guys love this place so much huh?...What to do...

I seek from him on some of our good old days buddies. He said, some still around...some are very round in shape...hehehehe...and some he has not see for a long time. We all have own path and careers.

This year I guess is about reunited long lost friends. Foes...well I have not made peace with my pass still. So NO.

As time passed while I am resting here, I am amazed how things and surrounding has changed so much. Rapid development. Some places are no more in existence. Made way for development....

Back at this part of the world, time just stop. Right from I woke up this morning about 0700am. .When we indulge in work, 24 hours just not enough. It has been almost 20 years since I left to venture into my own world.

Through that hard path of young and foolish, I finally found a little tranquility. The question of when I am going to settle down. Well, I will when the time come. This guy that I am having now is a bless and good enough for me. After all those wrongly idiots that I indulged with many years ago.

How my life is, are and for now I am happy the way it is. Marriage is the least concern on my mind now. The prayers from me to Allah is between me and Allah. Deep down inside my soul ...HE knows.

What people see on the surface is not the same as what lies beneath. For those who concern about my well  being, I appreciate it so much.a Trust me I do. My dear DOA also at the same question from fatherly point of view. But this path and part......I know better than those who only cast their eyes upon.

If this man that I have now are meant for will be...if not may we have a good life. I know his soul better as he is my man. His life and what he has go through....his respect on me and my religion....

This man has walked with me through blood and tears..I don't need to explain to anyone...maybe I should put my nose out of people's business a bit. So they leave me alone with my own...

I m very disturb for now over this issue. They don't know what we have walked through......though it was a mere concern question. I am torn of being polite and do not want to elaborate further....sigh ! words wound sometimes...or often....

My parent routine circle around my almost 3 years old nephew. Handful and vibrant with his voice plus naughtiness  Reminded me like Denise the Menace. Nonetheless he keep my parent entertained. My operation wound snap open....laughing about his behavior.

Yesterday, vibrantly he said to me...that day on tv there are a show about people fighting, kicking and punching each other. But, he said...all of them wears only underpants. I was like ..What ???..really.. he said, they all wear only underpants and fight. Clueless, I turn head to my mom. She roared with laughter...hmmm
It was WWE - Wrestling,..oh my...innocent mind of child. I laugh my heart out.

This afternoon I asked him to fetch my water bottle. He hand over his junk food to me with a warning...Don't eat it! if laa I wanted it so much. When he handed me the water bottle, he covered his mouth and ran away...then came back smiling broadly. I asked took a sip of my drink didn't you...he grin ...No I did not. Yeah right...all the junk food debris are sinking at the bottom of my water bottle....can you see how naughty he is...

Then mom handed him a piece of chocolate bread with raisins on it. He scope all the raisins and give me the bread....whatever bread debris that fell on the floor, he rolled it with his foot. God !...I feel an itch to just pinch that skin...eeeiiiii....naughty !!!

Interrupt a bit while updating this a call from ASTRO. Doing promotion to upgrade to HD decoder with additional cost of course. I said NO NEED. It just leisure for my folks, nothing fancy. Adamant to explain further on the benefit and advantage. I said NO NEED. Still pursuit...wanted to speak to the account nominee which is my sister. What else...have to roar a bit....I said, No need and reason it transparently. Any further question ? No, he said.

See....speak nicely do not want to listen. For no reason, I am the bad person now for picking on a person just earning a living. Wonder what these people thinking at times. We are not back date 50 years ago when people lack of knowledge. Quality of service far less than expected, still very ambitious to hike the price.

Got to go now. Time for my evening meals and medicine...

I am very bless and loved....for that..Thank you dear has been my long wish to spend time with my parent...20 years since I walked out. Keeping up with my parent now is not easy I know. Thing has not change much. Sitting in silence and chatting with my dad...just make me realize how old they are.

Always pray for your parent. Does not matter if they are around or in bring so much blessing into your life.

Rassulullah SAW pernah bersabda :

”Setiap pagi sedekahkan al-Fatihah kepada kedua ibu bapamu tak kira masih hidup atau telah tiada nescaya pintu rezekimu akan terbuka buat kamu. ”

Berdasarkan Hadith Nabi SAW :

” Tidak akan terputus rezeki seseorang ANAK selagi dia tidak meninggalkan doa kepada kedua orang tua nya dalam sehari.”

Huraian hadith:

Jangan sesekali meninggalkan doa kepada kedua ibubapa (baik yang hidup mahupun yang sudah tiada )
Allah akan memurahkan rezeki kepada mereka yang tidak putus2 berdoa kepada kedua ibu bapa (hidup atau mati) Ingatlah bahawa keredhaan ibu bapa adalah keredhaan Allah SWT

Semasa berdoa, berdoalah dengan bersungguh sungguh tadah tangan dan Bayangkan wajah kedua orang tua kita , termasuk guru-guru kita dan mereka yang banyak menolong kita. Mereka yang lupa berdoa kepada kedua orang tua, akan disempitkan rezeki Oleh Allah SWT.

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