Love conquers all things except poverty and toothache. ~ Mae West

First night shift...cold weather and what made it more worst for me is...toothache. Everything just went wrong through my eyes.

Went for an injection at wee hour yesterday. The Doctor asked me, you are in so much pain why did not you come earlier...I just zipped up! Not wanting to comment further. I thought I am Hercules Doctor...didn't you know ?

Slept like a baby...woke up at noon. Did not even hear morning prayer's calling.

Since I woke up at noon....most of the Dentist closed at 1300hrs. Lucky the dosage of pain killer given was strong, I am able to run a few errand and emptied my Master Bedroom.

Another set of tiles cracked again...the developer are pushing it to the maximum for repair as the warranty expired end December. Its just keep getting  better thereafter...

Later that day, I just chose to keep silent and keep my patience calm as possible. It is true true when we lost our it in whatever manner or condition it is, you start to value your healthier times even more than ever.

In the evening, packed up my luggage.. made way to my friend's house. Fugitive for a week until the tiles are fixed again. Didn't want to bother my God mother's family this time. Though it is just next block to where I am staying...they are in a mess of family issues. Avoiding all the negativity aura in this condition is rather wishful thinking. There are things beyond help...blood is always thicker than water.

I am part of the family as long as I can remember. Like mine, they are now in mid of turbulence. Once the storm cleared..its a bright and sunny day.

On top off all these, my last sister is currently admitted to hospital. High fever plus infection in her blood. She is ok, on high dosage of anti-biotic. Dad's condition is also not too good.

What's next ? Keep that positive level as high as possible. Above all, just be patience...its just one of those things. Others suffer great ordeal of illness..there are even worst that their days are numbered. Mine are merely toothache....count my blessing !

Its midnight..time of the day when all system just kaput!. Just finished watching a special segment from a friend's blog. Aired over a tv programmed recently.

Very heart warming recording. There are many life lesson from it. Not only his love to his wife, strong heart and mind to accept the faith of is very much the step he took in accepting it, that I really admired.

Upon a twist that took away his happiness..he reset his direction on a correct path and moved on from there. It is not overnight as well to achieved....patience, faith and believed are keys to it...

We often complaint, grumble and lose ourselves in a way when challenged came upon. Our prayers to God during hard time is not as deep as when we are happy.  Acceptance of these obstacle and challenge is very important before we can moved further.

Then only we know what kind of prayer or doa to set. Being sad and upset does not bring us anywhere. Just pray ...cast a pray sincerely especially when we are lost not knowing what to do. If we have nothing to asked HIM for...just say thank you for all that HE gives.

Don't however be too ambitious....just pray within your mean and needs. Slowly increase of devotion is better than silver lighting promised which often failed half way. Live in the means of our need.
Our human heart are easily seduced and tired of trying to certain extend. My prayers..May Allah gives the best to both of them.

This wonderful man has become an icon of one in a million. His story revolve around this world like a whirlwind. Well he is one in a million man, in this current world.....all because not many took seriously on responsibilities and the true meaning of being a man and a husband.

The day to you took that marriage vow...that includes what is currently Abil Fikri is doing....through good and through bad..till death do us apart...Amin !

Link :

Husband sent a text to his wife at night,

"Hi I will get late, please try and wash all my dirty clothes

and make sure you prepare my favorite dish before I return."

He sent another text, "And I forgot to tell you that I got an increase in my salary

at the end of the month I'm getting you a new car"

Shetext back, "OMG really?"

Husband replied, "No I just wanted to make sure you got my first message".


A Lady to Doctor:

My husband has d habit of talking in sleep! wat shud i giv him to cure?

Dr: Give him an Opportunity to speak wen he is awake

A man came home late at night after a party.

His wife yelled:

"how would you feel if you don't see me for two days?"

The man couldnt believe his luck: 'that would be great'!

Monday passed and he didnt see her......

Tuesday and wednesday passed too.....

On thursday his swelling became better

And now he could see her from the

Corner of one eye;)


In this world everybody makes mistakes...

But only girlfriend, wife and bosses are gifted with talent of finding it,
remembering it and n reminding us for it.


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