I follow the Moskva down to Gorky Park.....


someone said this to me ;

"All of us have lesson we refuse to learn. But God is going to keep throwing us into sticky situations until we grow up and deal with it !"

Went to visit Sean today...since the new baby born. He is just marvelous !..look more like Sean himself. Over the years of knowing Sean..as much he pampered me or rather admired me a lot...there is always sense of respect and 'fear' of him. Looking at him being a father..just sort like 'tame' the lion in him. Wish and pray all will go well for him. Sean is just excited...including Jany and Kakak of course. Janu teased Sean before we left...the baby have nose shape like mine. He grinned broadly. How wonderful it would be if the baby belong to Janu itself.

This year of 2010, there is so much of changes happened. Each of those in my circle including me are experiencing the changes in our path. Through pain, sorrow, happy and joy...each of it gives a different meaning. Most of it straighten our friendship. Its up to the limit most of the time. One thing for sure, no matter what, when we are at the end of the rope, we tie a knot and hang in there.

few days after diwali ; me and shan had kinda heart to heart talk. We walked back in time and peep into the future too. He himself too having changes in his path...for sure the next time he feel like to wind about his life ; take a second thought...the person he very much in love now is one tough lioness..

am reading a book title The Other Side of MAHATHIR....very interesting I must say. I got quite a few collection of books from my soon ex-boss. She is schedule to be transferred to Hong Kong soon. A good carrier change and development. Hope my turn comes soon. She brought over 3 boxes to the office...I greedily grab as much I can....look a bit pathetic yes..but I can't help it !..I love books...love to read !

My buddy Dev Anand should by now be in Germany again. Envy him at times..the ability to travel. I missed travelling so much. Nowadays I do often feel like a tabby ; seeking comfort on owns home. I do hope chances will passed me soon....though the question at times arise will I take the opportunity this time ?...my heart and  mind better speak the same language...

Had a chat with another of my close person from Penang...tough time for him. A very tough one. Each of us have our own time and moment. I passed mine...and I knew there shall be others coming. Just matter of time. No other words of comfort that I can offer rather than...hang in there man !....tie that rope and hang in there...

Its important to me to share with all those who are close to my heart...value of what you have..look at what you have instead of what you don't have. Don't limit our self from moving forward...there are things to let go when time comes....

Lazy afternoon thereafter ; doze of for a while then dinner with my lover.

Called my mom..both my sister are at home. Am not going anywhere for Hari Raya which is next Wednesday. No leave unfortunately. My next visit home is plan to be in December ...if the monsoon does not stop it.

My training scheduled to finish by 20th this month. Like a blink its ending of 2010...things are moving positively with a little polish needed on my attitude towards moving things forward of course.

Anyone can be passionate,
but it takes real lovers to be silly.
Love is the magician that pulls man out of his own hat.
Love is like dew that falls on both nettles and lilies.
Passion makes the world go round.
Love just makes it a safer place.

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