Star Fish

One day a man was walking along the beach when he noticed a boy picking something up and gently throwing it into the ocean. Approaching the boy, he asked,What are you doing?

The youth replied, Throwing starfish back into the ocean. The surf is up and the tide is going out. If I dont throw them back, they'll die. Son,the man said, don't you realize there are miles and miles of beach and hundreds of starfish? You can't make a difference!

After listening politely, the boy bent down, picked up another starfish,
and threw it back into the surf. Then, smiling at the man, he said
"I made a difference for that one"

We all knew about this story. How positive attitude and right state of mind changes gives an impact towards our life ; with or without us realizing it. We can do anything that we want to do as long as we believe in it.

It is true of course. We cannot change the world but we can change ourselves to make a difference.

Now, to stand in and be that person who wish to make a different is not one easy job. Nobody says its easy anyway. We carry that positive attitude, positive mind set and fighting spirit to keep us alive.

Mind you, we are one person against the rest of the world. That takes lots of positiveness.

How do we keep that positive energy alive? We look up to those who has done it successfully. We looked to a better place than our home country. We used our daily experience to set an expectations or formula ; if this is done this way ...its gonna be like this. If we failed, try again and again and again.

That expectations often become an illusion for you to keep going on. Soon one will create a world of its own.

When we looked up to someone or something we often see what we want to see. The reality at the back of us often being ignored because we believe is making the difference.

Dealing with human is as ever known as something pain rather than pleasure. Mental state and attitude takes time to evolved. We are the rare ones went ahead of the rest around us. Trying to be human and play God a bit here and there.

Lets take an example of average human attitude. Insurance policy holder ; how many of us here knew what is our entitlement or benefit are ? or what is the procedure should any emergency arise ? I can bet from only 10%. The balance 90% will wait until they are hit by a lorry or on death bed at ER to check the policy validity ; if this is covered under their purchased policy which probably has been for about 10 years ago. All they do is make payment monthly blindly without knowing anything about it.

The 10% that knew are all those who has an advance mindset.

Next is for premium credit or charge card holder. Banking product nowadays are very competitive. Premium product came with premium benefits. Now, for one to utilize a premium service it takes also a premium mind or mentality. Otherwise, the service provider to this premium benefits will often being abuse verbally or mentally because of this low class mentality of premium card holder.

The reason is ironic. I have money and I am the one who pay your salary. This superior money or richness class attitude happen is develop countries, especially in Asia. In the West, its a different story. They had achieve level of advancement where everyone knows their right. They are more independent and best of all their social plus welfare benefits are excellent.

Trust me, dealing with superior richness in Asia is pain in the butt. Ridiculous and often silly. Who on earth would want to use a premium benefits to source for Shopping Mall in Penang just because you want to use your premium card. Or what kind mentality stage are you when you are using the premium benefits to find you rental provider for Karaoke set. Let alone that these superior rich drove big and expensive cars but don't even know where the engine oil it.

Its like are dumb its ok just don't infected it to me...

To move alongside with these advancement achievement we of course have to copy and paste. During the period of evolution from one level to another, there shall be cuts and bruises, trial and error. Averagely Fifty years down the road, only then it will achieved desired premium quality.

Why that long ? Its a Generation gap. I am from Generation X. Having to deal with mental attitude from Baby Boomers era is like slicing own skin and squeeze with lemon. It is undeniable fact that there are Baby Boomers who came out well and fine. Those are the ones that create such an advancement these days.

Lets go back to our local issue. Take for example our national carrier. Pride of the nation. Making losses as long as I can remember. Reason being, chronism, bureaucracy and politics interference. Who are those sitting on top ? Its a generation from after war whilst now we are welcoming generation Y. Its a difficult conflict that narrow down to attitude and mental state.

If we were to go into details measuring the mental state of our local authorities, you and I will end up in hospital due to blood pressure on the rise. Its not good for our soul to hold anger - so to speak ! Reality in front of our eyes is a different thing !..damm it at times all these are such a bluff.

People say that if we can't change people we change our attitude. Yes, that is correct. But did they also tell you that when we change our attitude to make a difference it comes with expectations ?

Did it tell you that you have to retain the level of this positiveness so that you will sink in despair ?

Did it informed you how to trouble shoot when you feel helpless standing against human attitude when you had exhausted all your level best and it is still not enough ?

It is also said that you do not have to proof yourself to anyone but yourself. Hell that's is what I am doing! I am proving to me, myself and I that I can make a different

But why on earth that there is such a damm pain in my heart when the sky is not as blue as it should be or the sun does not shine with my right attitude ? Why ?

Is it because I care too much ? NO I do not ! I am just one human trying to live peacefully in this world of yours ...the end !

Can I walked away and let things be the way it is because I can't do anything about it ? Yes I can but guess what, dealing with human through out this evolution process..its going to be the same over and over again until you rise to the top of food chain.

If you manage to rise otherwise all you can do is avoid it. Live in our own happy land, away from those negativity. If not why does it is said that positive attitude are contagious...are yours worth catching!

I do not want to be that boy who collect those star fish and threw them back into the sea...maybe not all the times. Because no matter how we put an effort to make a difference it is often aint' enough. There is no exact measurement of how much is much or how less is less.

Be selfish, continue living, take care of yourself, your love ones. Value those who value you.

If you need to find a new field to work and play, hell with it ! Just Do It ! otherwise you will end up pick up star fish all your life. Just ponder once in a while, if you are stranded is there a helping hand for you OR you had to kick your own but to get back into your own life...

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