A woman is like a tea bag- you never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

Link : http://www.cnn.com/2011/10/07/world/world-nobel-peace-prize/index.html?hpt=hp_t2

Three Women's right activist share Nobel Peace Prize. Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleat, activist Leymah Gbowee of Liberia and right activist Tawakkul Karman of Yemen share this year's Nobel Peace Prize, the Norwegian Nobel Committee announced Friday.

"The Norwegian Nobel Committee said it hopes that the prize will help end suppression of women in many countries and to "realize the great potential for democracy and peace that women can represent."

The award, which includes a cash prize (10 million Swedish kronor, or about U.S. $1.4 million) will be shared in three equal parts among the winners, the committee said."

What is The Nobel Prizes ? Its an annual international awards bestowed by Scandinavian committees in recognition of cultural and scientific advances. Established in 1895 in the will of Swedish chemist Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite. The prizes are in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature and Peace, were first awarded in 1901.

Where is Republic of Liberia ? Wes Africa country, bordered by Sierra Leone on the west, Guinea on the north and Cote d'lvoire on the east.

Plenty to learn from these women. They have lots in common. One thing for sure, education plays a very important role. Higher mentality status of course plus the believeThese women are freedom fighters. They fight to make a difference in this world and of course their own world. It is the believe of doing the right thing. Not an easy path to voice out against dictatorship of 14 years civil war, nonetheless these women did it.

It takes courage and strong believe in what you are doing to achieve this. These women are fearless, they willing to die in what they are fighting for. Leading demonstration, being in and out of jail, fighting of freedom of speech...the list is endless.

I am searching for so bowl of courage.

Reading this article sure make me feels puny. Looking back at my own, whatever wave of changes am going now is minor in comparison. I do love changes, good ones I mean. However, reality speak it is difficult to remain positive when the truth show otherwise.

To some changes can be death toll, to some it is a second chance of living. How our reaction is, it depends. If we loosen our grips, look at it in a different view things might get into positiveness.

I have said earlier that am ready for a new challenge. Hunger for a new wave or wind of change as am done deal with current throne. Little that I know whats coming though. I set out my brave heart to face anything that is coming. When its finally here, why do I feel suffocate ? Why that I feel the walls are closing in that
my heart feels pain.

Is it that I am looking for a good change and good challenge ? or is it I am too long lingering in this comfort zone after I've won the war. I really feel that I want to runaway and create a new path.

It at some point went to stage of denial that I hate to give my heart a heartache. Don't even want to think about it cause it hurt.

Being alive till this age, I dare to say my judgement on person or personality never goes wrong. We have to be fair they say. Don't judge the book by its cover. Leave that for a book, human is not a book. Human does not have cover or skin that shows the bad or good side of it. Believe me when I say, humans character does show up front their faces.

This new wave of change happening now is not a good one. The best part is, I have to be fair and square, unable to show the judgemental side of it. We ourselves do not want to be treated as such, thus have to mean what you say and say what you mean.

Bottom line I hate it ....a brand new day now...still am searching for bowl of courage....

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