An Email from Syria..a long lost friend

Its a good and positive day today. I've walked the aisle of changes..hope the answer is positive. Even if its not ; put my head high and walk tall. Another door will open nonetheless. Never ever give up. If the rope already end..tie a knot and hang on...another rope will swing by for sure.

A week back I did mentioned in one of my post..that I got back all those long lost friend. They are from all over the world. What makes me happy is...I found back this girl which is in Syria. She worked with travel agent before then moved on to a financial institution. Lost her for about 2 years.

The very first email I received from her..brought me to tears. She still remember me. We exchange email since ; she is very vibrant, positive and full of life. Her ideas and thinking is rather amazing at times. We share common interest of being a book freak and music lover.

Of course we never met each other ; though I hope one day it will happen. Being in middle east ; strict muslim country..things wasn't easy for her but it never did bring her down. Now pursuing her study.

When we talk about middle eastern ; the idea or image that pop in hour head often
prejudice. All thanks to the extremist. When I start to know Dalia ( thats her name) change my perception totally. She is very much spirit..modern
and rainbow like child.

We both now are so much into books and will start our first book mailing to each other. Sadly most of her favourite authors are published in Arabic, not many translated. Oh well...things change..time shall be one day I hope.

She love it here in this country..she came down here 2 years back but I was unable to meet her up. I had a thought of ..if only a person like her given a chance to stay here...she can do wonders.

Coincidence decides to whom you meet in life. Your heart and your mind decide with whom you want to stay in life. But only destiny decides who gets to stay in your life.

one of her email to me :-


It always bad to get back to work after vacation,, I sent the eid on the beach,, of course its shame to call you it beach after I saw penang and langkawi,, but still it is better than the city,, we went a group of friends,, we enjoyed it a lot.. Though it is a little bit hot.

Anyway autumn is coming and this brings me a great joy, it's very romantic,, with little cold breezes.

Yesss dear I do read a lot .. but now I'm really depressed for I enrolled in this master of business administration and it needs a hell of time to study..

But still I can manage to read.. I read this amazing novel .. (name the devil) it got the booker prize for Arabic literature and unfortunately it is not translated yet into other languages,, (can you manage to read in Arabic?? For I wonder do you read Quran in arabic??). if yesss I will send it to you immediately and sure you will enjoy a hell of a time.. it is about religion as you can tell from the title (I think in this part of the world we are still consuming over subjects long forgotten by the world!!)

I read also Paulo coehllo's (eleven minutes is amazing). In addition to some other books related to science and revolution>> do you know that here in syria we don’t teach Darwin theory in schools!!! I think THEY decide in advance what we should think and believe!!!!

Tell me if you are interested in any of these subjects and you will find them knocking on your door!! And do you recommend anything to me??

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