As I walk to the valley of the shadow of............

My heart beat still has not settle. All sort of things that happen since Monday ; I am restless. Though its a very positive change and I got what I wished for ; too many things at one time make my head spinning.
I am holding patience as a Saint right now. Too short time and million of things to be done.

Being an employee, leaving in short notice is a definite chaos. Although there will be compensation on that matter due to short notice; the whole process can be very lenghty. Add on to it, if the person you dealing with are from level 7 of HELL. I hate it when nobody can give certain answer of question arise ; especially when it comes to legal matter or employee's right. Being a down liner of course there is needed to refer to superior but to me simple basic enquiry ; one should be equip enough to give information at first hand.

When we went higher to the superior, different lane all together. This person usually be the most difficult person to deal with. Mood swing is part of it. I am even being careful ; can't predict the mood today. I was stunt of it. Here we are as an employee being told to adapt to positiveness/professionalism and work our ass out for the company. Any small/major issue is far from being taken professionally.

Me on the other hand is not very good in holding my temper specially on matter that I find I am not wrong. Even so, I do believe that every issue/problem has its way out as long as that issue/problem arise does not involve legal matter.

If there is benefit as compensation for both parties ; I don't see why it should be taken unprofessionally. At the end of the day ; proper document and proper communication approach has been done.

Failure to adhere to it professionally ...will result to emotion injury for both party.

Why can't everyone behave nicely ? If everyone adapt to the policy of don't do things that  you do not want others to do to you..isn't it better ?

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