Its Season Greetings ! My version...

A brand new day...still early till the sunrise. I m wide awake, the last night shift for this schedule. One more night tomorrow and I am on leave for a week. Done some minor packing. I seek weather forecast from my mom today. She said its raining most of the days...darn !...they goes my ambitious plan to bring load of laundry back. I love to do that, not that my mom does it for me...its the spacious area that they have back home. I can really washed up the entire bedsheets and blanket ...without having to worry about space.

She added on later and can bring the laundry if you want. It the weather is not on your side, there is a laundry shop across the street. Hehehehe...can't hide it aye !...when you asked about weather..sure thing its laundry matters... :-). Peace mom!

Normally before I leave for long journey, I have a check list. From essential items to medications and also emergency matters. We are travelling long distance plus weather is rainy. Take extra measure. Shan will do his part on the vehicle.

I was on my off day yesterday and my sister Anne called in the morning. She was not well, on MC. Hang around with her for half a day. Indeed that morning I went to office for a short while, its internal announcement for our re-branding concierge project. Breakfast at the office then went home.

My appointment finaly confirm first week of March. Informed my OM here that I might go in for the procedure soon after. Decided to go with my own colleague's Gyne. She did her procedure 3 weeks ago. She recommeded as he is their long term friend. Even her mother goes for check up with this Gyne. Pray all well ends well.

My inner storm has not ceased. A friend said either I need a break badly or I just want an easy out of things. Easy out of what ? What is life without obstacle and challenges. I am far away from that type for sure. Of course we complaint, grumble and stuff but life goes on. You just have to get up and go. I for all do not have major life and death issue. It is just the inner peace that is disturb. At some point you wonder and wander...what I want actually.

Maybe is a soul soul has not reach to HIM yet. Something just don't add up...the best I can do is cure my soul with prayers and constantly improve in the name to search inner peace.

When we set course to correct direction, the evil whisper are tremendous. Often it will give you doubt, laziness and reason not to do it. I am not going back into who I am in the pass. She has moved on and created a new world of her own. The harder we climb for success, the greater the challenge is. Either you give up or keep going. The taste of victory is priceless.

The good old days remains as sweet memories. It is nice to visit it once a while for us to value path that we had taken. Without it, it will not shape up what we are today.

I am bless to have a wonderful surrounding. Today evening I bump into an ex colleague. She is working same building with me just different tower. She left our old company about a year already. Good for her. Will inbox her later for contact, we need to catch up someday.

It feels good to be able to get in touch with old friends. Those in the good book of course and not those that has been eliminated. That list remain as 'LIFE LESSON'.

Talked to my Habibi today. His wife's family are in town. He was busy with them. Quick chat only, he called in right after my hello message. For some reason I had a deep thought about him like half a day yesterday. My prayers...may Allah swt ease all that he is and will go through. We all knew what is best to be done. Stand on reality of life and surrender all to HIM after all the necessary are done.

The above link, I wanted to posted few times already but kept forgetting about it. It is a very touching moment that this contestant went for audition to make a different in his brain damage fiance's life.

They were engaged and several months before the wedding, car accident took her ability. He stood beside her all the way. His voice sang beautifully because he sang it for her. Even his hit single that I've posted earlier sang so so deeply. Every words are said meaningfully.

Its 0200am. I think I m done for now. Need to browse and get some doa download for my prayers.
Be bless !

My Dream... Aurora borealis above brooks range mountain, Atigun Pass, Dalton Highway, Alaska, 2012

Aurora Borealis Photography by Anne Olsen-Ryum FB Page: Hasvik Foto

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