Treat everyone with politeness, even those who are rude to you - not because they are nice, but because you are. ~Author Unknown

Wide awake at this hour. Two more nights to go. This morning I ended my shift with throbbing temple. Did not sleep a blink. Request to leave a  bit early from my DOA and I am home before 0900am. Shower up then took two paracetamol and dooze off till late afternoon.
Step out of the house a bit late also today. The traffic still at ease since it is still school holiday. Next week another new chapter begin as there is not more long holidays. Normally once Chinese New Year passed, next one will be Eid. It is always wonderful to be Malaysian.
Time runs far ahead and everything fall into places if we start counting the year like that. Mark it by big festive season. Before you knew it ...another year come knocking.
I have plenty in my mind to write about, let me sort it properly. Too many things happen around me at times just lost in translation.

Often I am asked what do I blog about. Hard to explain in details...what I can say is I wrote what I see through my eyes and soul. It is not fame that I seek for sure. Knowledge and experience sharing that might be useful for anyone who read this piece of mine. If no one reads it..I have nothing to lose at all.

It is tempted at times to owns a fan page in any of those social media frenzy. But, I am not well build with heart of steel as yet. That is the price you have to pay if fame is what you seek. Its not easy for sure. Dealing with the many level of human mentality. Having to read some of it through those celebrity pages...damm...I would blow my head off. It slice like a blade through...

I guest it is easy to say anything you want behind those wall. Just like us at the desk of phone call customer service. Easily abuse because we do not see each other. The least I am glad, I am not one of them.

Words wound...what we think as a joke at times does not mirror the same. Just because that person does not say anything or may they just laugh along...who knows deep down inside it hurt like hell!
It can be a great insult. It may be funny to you but not to me.

My level of tolerance to these type of self-invented clown are only to certain degree. Either I walked away from their existence or I fight back, with a scar of a lifetime.

I mean business ! its me or the cake !
I have experience dealing with a person who say whatever it is that came to her mind then only think if it is right or wrong to say such.
A day came finally where my tolerance level was up. She brushed me on the wrong side. Hell break lose. The sister said to me, no heart feeling as her elder sister behave such. She is blunt and straight forward.
I said, if I don't like things, I can get very abusive..verbally. Can you accept it as this is what I am ? I might insult your ancestor in the about that ? No heart feeling. This is me.

That was the last conversation I ever had with them both.

If you do not have nice things to say..don't say anything at all. Our attitude very much determine our mentality.

These few days I have observed an attitude from one to another in my own office. Since the bond that we have are so strong despite our differences...we learned to live with the pricks anyway. Any new kids on the block with different wave length will have tough time to blend in.

Five fingers are not the same, some people are just different as what we are in a way. Just because that person does not really fit in, no one has the right to show an attitude of dismay. Being hard on a person does not improve the situation at all. It just show your mentality level. I myself also got impatience dealing with this newbies but then again....they are not our punching bag.

Everyone has a story to tell so don't judge. At work, we are an employee of a company. Everyone is earning a living. Don't because of our attitude ..someone end up losing a living. Let the right party to determine the level of competency. No need to show off your dismay wide in public.

Education came in many forms. Harshness is definitely not one of it. We don't like it ourselves either. No one deserve it unless they asked for it, only to level with.

I am not high headed for sure. Lost my blood also in such circumstances if anyone annoy me to seven hell doors. That is no pretty sight to witness and I am not proud of it.

Nowadays, there is something stirring in my soul. Something just don't add up. Maybe the last 3 years was a great evolution of my life. Since the pace now rather smooth, I am missing the good old days.

However, when I re-visit those memory lane there is nothing there either. I just smile remembering those wonderful moments. Teary eyes on those sad and foolish moments...We had joy, we had fun..we had season in the sun...

A close friend of mine said, I am in the need of a best friend. Someone to talk to away from lovers and family. Well I had one remember....

I m just tired from work I guess. Its over whelming. Night shift queen I am now. A client complaint to my OM just two days a go. It is difficult to get his request done without my presence. Yeah right !...well too bad. Am not your living servants.

Don't include me in your sinful living. I have enough full load of my own sin to handle.  Everything just went out of hand as he put it which technically not at all. He himself make it difficult.

We have a handful of such person to handle. Keeping their dark secret. Aren't we not a sinner....
Owh well...don't judge. We are not walking miles in their shoes anyway.

Everything happen for a reason. Once is a mistake but if it happen again, that is a choice.

The surrounding people in our lives are from different stages of life. Some may please us and some may not. If any of those who displease us, being rude or show off our level of attitude only makes a mirror of it. After all, just look back..we have dealt with even more worst than what they are. Be tolerance and be wise...our action towards others determine our level of mentality. Everyone has a story to tell..don't judge until you walk in their shoes. Simply don't do things that we do not want people to do to us ~ Poppy Austine Marie Luthor

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