Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself. I am large; I contain multitudes.

Being happy is something you have to learn. I often surprise myself by saying "Wow, this is it. I guess I'm happy. I got a home I love. A career that I love. I'm even feeling more and more at peace with myself." If there's something else to happiness, let me know. I'm ambitious for that, too.

- Harrison Ford

Tranquility ! At peace ! At Ease !
this how myself nowadays. Though it does not mean that I am shaking my legs and nothing to do. My life is full and fall into places accordingly. Again, obstacle and challenges are always following ones back like shadow like move ; what else can be done rather than walk through the rough road and keep your dignity and integrity high.

I was so tight down with final stage of work training and on the job training. Felt the pinch of the alarm centre floor by now. Since the past two weeks there is not even one nigh that I am not flat out. By 10pm I am already in dreamland...with no dream absolutely.

To my dear lover it might be difficult to adjust but we have prepared for this the day I step into this company. Tremendous changes will happen. Once my shift is on which is by next week Monday ; certain days I will be off and certain weekends I will be supporting the floor. So far we are good and I keep constant check on his acceptance on this. Hard lesson learn once as I have walk through this path where my job has torned my relationship apart.

Since then, just take an extra preparation on what is coming and how best we can handle this situation.

Today 01st April 2011 is already one year we are together. What's coming next is what both of us are carefully planning. 24 hours just ain't enough at time ; days passed, weeks flies and months just turn into another year.
I really do hope he can move along faster as I am climbing up fast.

Honestly, during my 24 hours a day there are time my mind is shut on my personal life ; focus hard on what is I am paid for. Of course the balance is there, am still in the mid of adjusting to it with ten million thing to do around.

No matter what, I love my life ! No compromise on this that's for sure.

If or not I achieve my goal, dream and wishes ; that is secondary. All that matters is how hard I am working on achieving much effort that I put on to ensure it come true.

Stay awake and alert, ensure that your love ones is constantly stay with you positively and work damm hard towards your dream, wish and goal! Success people around us have that positive attitude and believe that nothing is impossible.

Emotional does get along the way when things does not go along to what I want, it disturb but nowadays I took it differently.

If anyone fail to understand my path and unable to walk with me on this journey. IT IS JUST ONE OF THOSE THINGS !

There is an endless net of threads throughout the universe...
At every crossing of the threads there is an individual.
And every individual is a crystal bead.
And every crystal bead reflects
Not only the light from every other crystal in the net
But also every other reflection
Throughout the entire universe.

an adaptation of The Net of Jewels, or Indra's Net, one of the oldest written creations of humanity

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