Headhunter...spinning head..rains...

Midnight...second night shift. System kaput for an hour. Too many things to do and I have not stop since I came in. More to it, all about clean up. My two new colleague almost breakdown today, it is no more in flame...inferno..that's the right word. Even my boss look so worned out. Me ...more than worn out many moons ago.

This morning left quite late from office, attended a briefing with Jessica on new programme launch. Arrived home, shower then received call from Headhunters ...again. Then another call from another headhunter his colleague...I start to wonder by then can I sleep after this or not.

They gave me few prospect and it looks good. I am trying to move away from shift work, to get more on office hours. The other two was insurance company, back end process and also front liner. I said, not too keen on insurance company as it is often taken over by another company, change name and faith of employee often not so good. He said, agree but we can't control it. I said, I can control where I am going that's for sure plus I can't afford to be out of job for several months.

I am just plain lazy to start all over again but....this is something that I have to do. The last I tender my resignation letter, it was almost shredded. If ever I manage pursuit this time...I can imagine my boss's face...suddenly got butterfly in my tummy  now. The bond of friendship in this working environment made it hard to just pack and go. Me and Joanna, call our Director of Assistance, Daddy...out of his fatherly and caring attitude towards us. Usually if I said, I need to talk to you Daddy...the session will start with 5 minutes of sobbing then the story come. Amazingly he put up with us, knew us by character individually.

Woke up with throbbing temple, shower and it starts to rain. My umbrella left in the office..great !. Had to find my way through since its already 1800hrs. Found old raincoat...don't know from which era it was...start walking, hailed a cab to train station. The taxi driver was complaining about the rain, traffic and his difficulty..my  head started to spin. I tell ya ....count your blessing for crying out loud. You can still find your way in the means of living, had a taxi and shelter to live.

Train station was crowded too. It amaze me at times how people take safety very lightly. In the train itself they just love to lean against the door. Technology are prone to failure. Just imagine what happen if during the speeding ..the door just slide open. Minus typical Malaysian attitude to stand by the door and refuse to move in. I had to let go 2 train before I can get in.

Its already end of week and time flew like a whirlwind. I have many visiting to do next Tuesday, from my god mother's house to Shan's house. Being born in the mix of parentage, the beauty of it is ability to celebrate every other festival around. Christmas is coming, then its New Year !

I need a place to stay...still searching for a new condo/apartment. Hard to come by these days. I guess because its end of the year, most contract expired by December.

These few days I had a new friend in the list. Speak the same wave lenght. Funny and very entertaining. He is my benchmark if I feel like to complaint about my life...his path is much more tough yet he manage to make the best out of it.  Just love it when you have new added circle that able to spread the wings of positiveness around.

I am a hard headed and speak my mind at times...still at the end of the day we all need a good circle of supportive people. Tough life and tough lane comes and go....what remain behind at the end of the day is
we our self ...either we conquer it or be in conquer...

Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.

Never fail to make my day.... :) Therapeutic

Found this pic...its the day I went for medical check up before working in current company now..:)

1 comment:

  1. What a person so special special than then rest...The rest n it is normal, complaining or mencari alasan demi alasan why their living still in that par...to me whatever la the alasan/complain, my stand is,,result is the final judge..!!
