Worth a try for a better you...

Link :Read more: http://www.oprah.com/spirit/How-to-Find-Your-Purpose-Fulfill-Your-Destiny/1#ixzz2BXfsLNus

Fulfill Your Destiny: O's 30-Day Plan for Finding Your True Purpose
Why a month of compliments can make all the difference in cultivating the real you.

Spotting problems can be an asset when you're packing for a weeklong camping trip or walking alone to your car late at night. But that same instinct can make it hard for you to see how fantastic you look in your new jeans (Is my cellulite showing?). "Many people find it hard to give themselves kindness, because we naturally have a negativity bias," says Christopher Germer, PhD, a psychologist, Harvard instructor, and author of The Mindful Path to Self-Compassion. "Yet no one can know or care for you more than you can know and care for yourself. You are your biggest potential ally."

Seeing the good in yourself can affect every part of your world: Research suggests having compassion for yourself can help you ward off anxiety and depression, and makes you happier and more satisfied with life. To help you recalibrate from spot-the-flaw mode, we present our 30-day challenge. Grab a pack of Post-it notes and a pen and set them by your bed. For the next month, first thing each morning, take a minute to write down one admirable thing about yourself. Be as specific as possible: "You're so sweet" may count as a compliment from Aunt May, but these notes are the chance to applaud the 5K you ran after decades of hating exercise or the fact that you're the only one in your book club who ever finishes the book. Try to alternate between physical features, personality traits, and good deeds you've done. It may sound counterintuitive, but "people tend to like themselves more when they think about things they've done for others," Germer says. And if listing 30 things worth loving about yourself feels daunting, you can kick-start the process with this exercise.

Stick each Post-it somewhere highly visible, like the bathroom mirror or your bedroom door (the more often you see your words on paper, the less abstract the compliments will feel). Whenever you catch your inner critic zeroing in on one of your flaws, defuse the negativity by recalling a positive Post-it. "Sure, my hair looks like hell, but I made it to the gym three mornings this week." Your positives don't have to directly rebut every negative, Germer points out. Just focus on shifting from razor-sharp critique to a more appreciative tone. With time you'll come closer to feeling as fabulous as you are—which is the first step in becoming who you were meant to be.

Next: What's so great about me, anyway?

Read more: http://www.oprah.com/spirit/How-to-Find-Your-Purpose-Fulfill-Your-Destiny/1#ixzz2BXg4YqtB


  1. Aiyaa amoii, very the hard to read laa..not so clear la the tulisan.....

    What's is great about u!..? Anne, ur great about every thing....!!..( penat puji dah ni, belanja la makan.) hehehehehe

  2. alamak...awat la jadi lagu pulak..sat no chek edit.. :) lol...no need puji lor Abg Abil...am just a face in the crowd. Insyallah ada rezeki bertemu...kata belanja makan..we could chat and exchange idea. Anne suka org positive ni...me loike.. :)

    1. When ur positif, org sekeliling pun akan jadi positive,,that's abg kata ur great maa...

      dah clear, baru boleh baca...

  3. aik ada sambung lagi..aduii..malu laa..hehehee... :) Fyi..my circle of friends pun very positive click.. :). I got to know about you also frm one of them...tough cookies...we are in one jar..different brand.. :)
