Good productive week...major issue finally done. I m back on track more or less.
Several things made highlight this week...friends issue, hantu issue...etc...

Few days ago I read in the paper about 11 Nigerian and 3 local women busted in an Internet Scam. They posses as "British Man", made women fall involve and they will send so call gift, a parcel that contained laptop, jewelleries,cosmetics and money. Then a week after these ladies will received phone call from "Malaysian Custom Officer" saying that their parcel need clearance due to unpaid text by the sender. Surprise me some of these ladies bank in and bank in money to CIMB account up to RM50thousand just to get the so call parcel release...some even more than 100 thousand.

Its sad to see these kind of mentality still exist in this modern days. The said amount that these criminals managed to swindle was approximately RM13.5million. Can you imagine this much of money if its given to the Cancer research, orphanage, Women society..can you imagine what benefit it would have do for them ?. When we talk about donation, medical, insurance or as just giving away to the less fortunate ; often answer was NO MONEY. But we can spend on something that is clearly a scam.

I am one of those million active Internet user too. Its real cruel world out there. Nothing can be confirm and guarantee. Its already said...BORDER LESS. Anyone can be anything, anywhere and any age.

I m not racist but at times, its sad to see...our government like not doing anything to stop these people of coming into our country here. We already have handful of our own criminals to handle...why bring more to add on to it. Its known worldwide who are these people.I have a friend from Cyber crime unit in our police force. He shared with me tons of Internet tale...that cost our women to live in fear, finished all money due to black mail and so on. How long more does it take until tough action is taken ?

Apart from this issue...without even realizing, its already a year that Michael Jackson passed away. I recall today a year ago my dear sister buzz me and deliver the news. I was still in bed, since it was my off day. Quickly got up turn on the news, check out CNN too. All local radio station play tribute to him. I hold as long as I could, in the end tears just rolled, I can't stop crying till the next few days. Its really a sudden lost. He is a truly phenomenal, no one like him ever again. Its like, if you don't see Celine Dion at concert ; its acceptable but if you have a chance to see Michael Jackson and you missed it..its like really losing something. Every age of people know who is he. Sigh ! will be forever in hour heart !

Have a great weekend everybody...take care and god bless. I m off to visit my god mother this weekend...been months since I last visit her.

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